I don’t like surprises, do you? Let’s talk about home inspections
Our listing is ready to go on the market and the seller has done everything we recommended in preparation for the MLS. The one last item to complete is doing pre-sale inspections on this home…

In the age of the internet, do I really need an agent to help me buy my home?
When buying a home, selecting an agent can be one of the most important decisions you make. One of the parts of the home buying process where your agent is your most powerful asset, is when it comes to the negotiation strategy, in order to help secure the home you want at a reasonable price, or to secure it at all in a highly competitive situation.

Making small spaces shine on a limited budget
When we were hired to sell this his sweet home, it had been a rental for a while, and had not had a facelift for many years. The good news was that the basic maintenance and upkeep had been performed consistently. Even better news was that, thanks to the solid 1920’s structure and original choice of materials, the age of the house became a plus in charm and style…

What’s my home worth?
“Asking prices are fantasy. Selling prices are facts.”
Have you have ever met a seller that wanted to under-sell their home? Of course not. There are proven strategies to effectively pricing your home upon listing it for sale to assist you with ameliorating that risk!