Purposefully position your home for sale
Who is our target audience for your very unique home?
What are the attributes of your home that will most attract the kind of buyer that will be interested in your home? What channels do these buyers pay attention to, how do we find them, and how do get their attention when we do?

MILL VALLEY | SOLD $2,700.000
Whom will your unique home most likely appeal to?
We start buy clearly defining who the perfect buyer is for your home, otherwise known as our target audience. Are these urbanites starting a family who have saved up for their first home purchase, ready to transition from their condo in the big city? Or are they wealthy empty nesters seeking a personal sanctuary or family compound?
Note that when we do strategic improvements to your home and stage it artfully (plus showcase it with the right photography) we are broadening the buyer-pool for that property. In other words, we are expanding the reach of whom your home will appeal to.
What are the attributes of your home that will be most attractive to our buyer?
We focus on playing up the attributes that are in line with our assessment of our buyer’s priorities. When it comes to the potential buyer objections about your home, we have a choice of investing in remedying them (if they are remediable), reimagining them (perhaps through minor architectural/design changes) or acknowledging them and accounting for them in our pricing.
Where will our target buyers be found?
The right channels we use to deliver our message about your home to prospective buyers are crucial. Different buyer types spend time consuming media through a variety of digital and analog channels. Our key to targeting the right buyer segment is to understand where the different buyer types can be found, both virtually and physically. Our background in developing digital marketing strategies for technology companies gives us the edge in creatively and effectively marketing your home to the RIGHT buyer pool.
How should we craft our message to our buyer so we stand out from the crowd?
We describe your home and its attributes in a way that speaks compellingly to our target buyers, through impactful images, videos, and the written word. We understand the importance of tailoring our marketing message to each specific target buyer group when accessing them through specific marketing channels. Our ultimate goal is to appeal to the broadest buyer pool possible.